Thursday, September 30, 2010

the incredible hulk dale keown hommage

the incredible hulk
dale keown hommage

malgrund: bristol zeichenkarton 300 g/m2
480 mm x 630 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese
arno schaetzle

Friday, September 24, 2010

old indian

old indian

schoellershammer reinzeichenkarton 4g dick 60 cm x 50 cm
pistolen: gabbert prs 25 und h&s grafo
farben: magic color airbrushfarben und faber castell polychromos buntstifte

persoenlich erstellter text von michael jaenicke am 25.09.2010
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers michael jaenicke

Friday, September 17, 2010

Winners of 2010 World Body Painting Festival Anncounced

What a delight to see the amazing artworks coming from Austria as the 2010 World Body Painting Festival comes to and end.  And as I take delight in friends who have made wonderful rankings and wins I have a heavy heart from friends who have ranked lower than they hoped and worked for.

No matter where one placed the artists have created amazing artworks and all are simply amazing to behold.
  • Category Brush/Sponge:
1) Lucie Brouillard / Canada
2) Fray Scott & Madelyn Greco / USA
3) Utting Carly & DominicSkinner / England
  • Category Airbrush:
1) Kris Bülow / Deutschland & Patrick McCann / USA
2) Chris OBSN Oberheber / Österreich & Mike Shane / Luxembourg
3) Flavio Bosco  & Franco Vanzani / Italy
  • Category Special Effects Bodpainting:
1) Bartram Yolanda / New Zealand  & Alex Hansen / Brazil
2) Ludwig Decarli / Austria
3) Lorie Hamel / USA & Julie A. Fusilier / Canada
  • Category UV Effects
1) United Colours - Petra Tronser / Germany & Fredi Schmid / Switzerland
2) Anna Pogodzinska / Poland
3) Harald & Jaqueline Wolf / Germany
  • Category Facepainting
1) Millot Lymari / Mexico
2) Lucie Brouillard / Canada
3) Viktoria  Schablinger / Austria

Here are just a few more pictures enjoy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Airbrush Women and Car Designs

Airbrush Women and Car DesignsAirbrush on Cars "Women and Car Designs"

batman francis tsai hommage

francis tsai hommage


malgrund: bristol zeichenkarton 300 g/m2
480 mm x 630 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cool Airbrushed Helmets Venom vs Spiderman Designs

airbrush helmet venom designsAirbrush helmet venom designs

airbrush helmet spiderman designsAirbrush helmet spiderman designs

Airbrush Face Painting for Hallowen Day

airbrush face painting 3Airbrush Animal Face Painting

airbrush face painting skull boyAirbrush Face Painting Skull Boy

airbrush face painting skull boy 4Airbrush Face Painting Scream Hallowen

airbrush face painting skull boy 2Airbrush Face Painting Skull Designs

airbrush face painting skull boy 1Airbrush Face Painting Tribal Art

Monday, September 6, 2010

groesstes airbrushtreffen deutschlands auf der modell-hobby-spiel leipzig

groesstes airbrushtreffen deutschlands auf der modell-hobby-spiel leipzig
kuenstler, hersteller und haendler zeigen, was mit der spruehpistole moeglich ist

vom 1.-3. oktober 2010 wird die leipziger messe „modell-hobby-spiel“ wieder zum treffpunkt nr. 1 der airbrushszene. ueber 50 kuenstler aus deutschland, belgien und tschechien praesentieren in der airbrush- und kunstausstellung etwa 500 ausstellungsstuecke. airbrushhaendler und -hersteller die gelegenheit zum stoebern, testen und shoppen. auf der aktionsflaeche des airbrushfachverbandes e.v. finden an allen drei ausstellungstagen vorfuehrungen und workshops statt.
zur airbrush- und kunstausstellung in der glashalle reisen kunst- und airbrushinteressierte aus ganz deutschland an. das motivspektrum der aussteller reicht von fantastischen landschaften ueber duestere totenkoepfe bis hin zu fotorealistischen portraits. eindrucksvoll wird hier gezeigt, dass die airbrushtechnik auf verschiedensten untergruenden verwendet werden kann, z. b. auf motorraedern, autos, modellen, t-shirts oder einfach auf leinwand.
ein besonderes schmankerl ist in diesem jahr der besuch des kuenstlers karel kopic aus tschechien, der mit seinen humorvollen us-lifestyle-motiven bereits zahlreiche auszeichnungen gewann. der muenchener kuenstler georg huber gehoert zu den stammgaesten der leipziger ausstellung. seine traumlandschaften haben bereits eine regelrechte fangemeinde. auch die motive von frank-martin stahlberg, die haeufig aus seinen eigenen fantasyromanen stammen, sind bei den besuchern stets sehr beliebt.

viele der kuenstler lassen sich vor ort bei ihrer arbeit ueber die schulter schauen und beantworten die fragen der messebesucher. ein highlight ist dabei unter anderem das live bodypainting, das an einigen staenden zu sehen sein wird. darueber hinaus haben die veranstalter auch an die juengeren gaeste gedacht und eine airbrush malschule fuer leipziger schulklassen eingerichtet. zudem bieten manfred gabbert und simon mueller eine spezielle „malschule fuer modellbau“ an.

auf der aktionsflaeche des airbrush fachverbandes e.v. in halle 5 finden taeglich vorfuehrungen und workshops statt. bekannte airbrushprofis, wie peer elshoff, holger herrmann, lars oschatz und ulrich lenz zeigen ihre maltechniken auf leinwaenden, t-shirts und modellen. wer moechte, kann auch selbst aktiv werden. roger hassler, chefredakteur des magazins „airbrush step by step“, bietet taeglich airbrush crashkurse fuer anfaenger an. mit seinen kktionen auf der leipziger messe moechte der airbrush fachverband e.v. eine breitere oeffentlichkeit fuer den nischenmarkt airbrush begeistern. der verein wurde im november 2009 von vertretern der herstellenden industrie, des gross- und einzelhandels, verlagen und seminaranbietern gegruendet.

direkt neben der aktionsflaeche haben airbrushinteressierte, einsteiger und hobbyanwender die moeglichkeit, sich an den staenden der hersteller harder & steenbeck und createx ausfuehrlich ueber spruehpistolen und airbrushzubehoer zu informieren. darueber hinaus bieten spezialisierte haendler wie airbrush4you und airbrushprodukte zum kauf an. da es in deutschland nur wenige airbrushfachgeschaefte gibt, ist das die gelegenheit fuer die airbrushfans, sich ausfuehrlich beraten zu lassen, zu stoebern und die geraete auszuprobieren.

die airbrush- und kunstausstellung sowie die verkaufshallen sind an allen messetagen von 10:00-18:00 Uhr geoeffnet.

hinweis: fotomaterial ist auf anfrage erhaeltlich. presseinformationen und pressebilder stehen bei angabe der quelle fuer die oeffentliche publikation frei zur verfuegung. fuer den inhalt der presseinformation ist ausschliesslich die angegebene quelle verantwortlich. bei veroeffentlichung bitten wir um zusendung eines belegexemplars bzw. eines linkhinweises.
airbrush fachverband e.v.
katja hassler
postfach 700108
22001 hamburg
Tel. 040 38658264

text: airbrush fachverband e.v.

Beautiful Backside Bodypainting Festival in Korea

Here's a gal worth following. This beautiful backside was seen at the 2010 Daegu International Bodypainting Festival in Korea.

Beautiful Backside Bodypainting Festival in KoreaBeautiful Backside Body painting Festival in Korea

Naked Belly Clown International Body Painting Festival

Naked Belly Clown International Body Painting FestivalNaked Belly Clown at the 2010 Daegu International Body Painting Festival

I'm not sure what's going on here. But while I love clowns and naked women, I'm not sure this is the combination I've been dreaming of.

Flower Girl at the Daegu International Body Painting Festival

One of the living works of art at the Daegu International Body Painting Festival shows off her flowery buds.

Flower Girl at the Daegu International Body Painting Festival

Flower Girl at the Daegu International Body Painting Festival

World Body Painting Festival Seeboden 2010 Photos

World Bodypainting Festival is an annual festival held in Seeboden, Carinthia, Austria, near the Millstätter See, on the third week of July every year.

The World Bodypainting Festival was created in 1998 by Alex Barendregt. At the time, Barendregt was working in a local travel agency and was given the task of organising a new summer event in Seeboden. He chose body painting on a whim after seeing a photograph about it. Although the festival wasn’t very popular at first, today it is the biggest annual event of the body painting culture and community. The festival is the first of its kind in the world and has become the Mecca of Bodypainting. It draws the best two hundred body painting artist teams and models, as well as tens of thousands of visitors, from all over the world every year.

The Lake Millstätter See region’s scenery is the stage, where bodies are boldly put on show, and each artist has the opportunity to show his/her own specialities – bodies painted with many different materials and techniques, and sometimes combined with the most fantastic costumes, masks and effects.

The festival lasts a week, of which the first four days consist of over thirty special workshops and lessons run by the WBF Academy, and the last three days consist of the actual festival event in the body paint city, which is open to the public without prior reservation. The festival event is open for both adults and children, and many families come there together.
A male model being painted.

The artists compete in many categories: brush and sponge, airbrush, and special effects are World Champion titles. At night time there is also a special UV effects contest giving the title for World Champion in UV bodypainting effects. There is a World Facepainting Award and a special award for special effects face make up. There are also semi professional student awards. All categories have separate prizes and trophies. Artists can use either male or female models as they wish. All models must be wearing underpants while painted, but female models can go topless if they want. Many body painting models are unpaid and volunteer for the unique experience of transformation by the body painting artists.

Body painting is not simply painting a body, body painting is to replant the body into an entire scenery, to create a body scene with choreography and music. The WBF Institute of Sound is the community music project that developed through the World Bodypainting Festival. Every year the festival brings together international musicians, specialists in electronic music and technicians from many different countries and cultures. It is the festival’s goal to develop the music scene like the community of body painters, photographers and models that has already existed for years. The creative thoughts of both groups can develop many new ideas.

The WBF Fashion Department focuses on body painting for fashion with many artists working alongside designers and with stylists around the world in the fashion industry.

Also the BodyCircus is one of the biggest event highlights in the festival week. Music, shows and costumes in the unique location of the medieval castle Sommeregg.

World Body Painting Festival Seeboden 2010 Photos

World Body Painting Festival Seeboden 2010 Photos

World Body Painting Festival Seeboden 2010 Photos

World Body Painting Festival Seeboden 2010 Photos

Body Paintings Egyptian Girl Photos

Body Paintings Egyptian Girl PhotosBeautiful body paintings with Egyptian theme in the body of a girls body. Watch bodyart paintings of Egyptian Girl Egypt Theme.

Body Paintings Egyptian Girl PhotosBody Paintings Egyptian Girl Egypt Theme

Girls Woman Full Body Painting Photos

Girls Woman Full Body Painting Photoswoman full bodyart paintings. paint on the full body of woman. painted from head to toe. Her hat is also painted looks beautiful and attractive.

Girls Woman Full Body Painting PhotosGirls Woman Full BodyArt Paintings | JAPANESE BODY PAINTING

girls full bodyart paintings. pain girl feel little bit shy but she looks awesome. Watch and rate the Girls Woman Full BodyArt Paintings.

Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos

Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 Photos
Original 3D Body Paint 2010 PhotosOriginal 3D Body paint 2010

World Body Painting Festival Photos

World Body Painting Festival PhotosWorld Body Painting Festival

Who will refuse to an invitation for World Body Painting Festival? If you do, then you don’t know how to appreciate creativity and art.

Known to be the ‘Mecca of Body Painting’, the World Body Painting Festival is an indulgence for creative and artistic people. That is why it is not a surprise that throng of curious tourists, body artists and photographers visits this annual event. It is one of a kind festival in the world where you can relish the various creative and remarkable paintings in a canvas of human body.

The World Body Painting Festival is held in Seeboden, Carinthia, Austria every third week of July. This annual event of creativity draws approximately 15,000 spectators around the globe and more than 200 body painting artists and models across the continent vie for the title of ‘World Champion Body Painter’.

The festival lasts for one week in which during the first four days will be series of special workshops and lessons hosted by the World Body Painting Festival Academy. The last three days will be the actual painting event and body painting artists start to create their magnum opus in a unique canvas which a human body.

There are three categories to compete that include brush and sponge, airbrush and special effects such as UV body painting and face make-up The yearly festival comes with a theme and body painting artists are expected to produce their work of art that tone with the theme both erotically and aesthetically.

As for the models, there are no restrictions. Artists can use either male or female however all models must wear pants while being painted but female models can go topless if needed. Most of the models are volunteers and unpaid. They take pleasure in experiencing this unique and rare opportunity of transforming their human body into a magnificent work of art.

At the end of each day of the actual paint event, the painted models will walk down the catwalk and stroll amidst the flock of very enthusiastic photographers who are clamoring for the best snapshot. Special prizes are waiting for the best top three photos.

The brainchild of World Body Painting Festival is Alex Barendregt who started the first event in 1998 for the purpose of rekindling the tourism industry in his small village. Since then, it became one of the most anticipated and biggest events in the body painting community as artists aspire to bang the ‘World Champion Body Painter’ award, an ultimate recognition of their unsurpassed talent and skills am

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